As telescopes on at
least two continents are searching for the object, which on average is 20 times
farther away than the eighth planet, Neptune. If "Planet Nine"
exists, it's big. Its estimated mass would make it about two to four times the
diameter of the Earth, distinguishing it as the fifth-largest planet after
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. But at such extreme distances, it would
reflect so little sunlight that it could evade even the most powerful
telescopes. Confirmation of its existence would reconfigure the models of the
solar system. Pluto, discovered in 1930, spent three-quarters of a century as
the iconic ninth planet. Then, a decade ago, Pluto received a controversial
demotion, in large part because of Brown. His observations of
the outer solar system identified many small worlds there – some close to the
size of Pluto –and prompted the International Astronomical Union to reconsider
the definition of a planet. The IAU voted to change Pluto's classification to
"dwarf planet," a decision mocked repeatedly last summer when NASA's
New Horizons probe flew past Pluto and revealed a world with an atmosphere,
weather and a volatile and dynamically reworked surface.
Brown, who tweets
under the handle @plutokiller and who wrote the book "How I Killed Pluto
and Why It Had It Coming," said now may be the time to rewrite the
textbooks yet again. "My daughter, she's still kind of mad about Pluto
being demoted, even though she was barely born at that time," Brown said.
"She suggested a few years ago that she'd forgive me if I found a new
planet. So I guess I've been working on this for her. " impression of
Planet Nine, which could sit at the edge of our solar system. Brown and Batygin
initially set out to prove that Planet Nine didn't exist. Their paper builds on
earlier research by two other astronomers that revealed a peculiar clustering
of the small, icy objects discovered in the past decade or so in the remote
regions of the solar system. photo Pluto with its moon charon.
In 2014, Scott
Sheppard of the Washington-based Carnegie Institution of Science and Chad
Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii published a paper in the journal
Nature that discussed the potential existence of a giant planet affecting the
orbits of those dwarf worlds. Sheppard and Trujillo noted a similarity in the
motion of those bodies when they are closest to the sun. "We thought
their idea was crazy," Brown said, explaining that extra planets are
always the "go-to suggestion" when astronomers find orbital behavior
they can't explain. But he and Batygin struggled to debunk that hypothetical
ninth planet. They used mathematical equations and then computer models,
ultimately concluding that the best explanation for the smaller objects'
clustering was the gravitational effects of something far bigger.
Such clustering is
similar to what's seen in some asteroids that are about as close to the sun as
the Earth. They wind up in stable orbits that keep them far from Earth and free
from any significant disturbance by the Earth's gravity. "Until then,
we didn't really believe our results ourselves. It just didn't make sense to
us," Brown said. But their modeling showed that a planet with 10 times the
mass of Earth would exert an influence over the orbits of the smaller bodies
and keep them from coming as close to the sun as they should. It would also
slowly twist these orbits by 90 degrees, making them periodically perpendicular
to the plane of the solar system. "In the back
of my head, I had this nagging memory that someone had found some of these
modulating objects and not known what to make of them," Brown said.
"and sure enough, these objects do exist. Then they were exactly where our
theory predicts they should be." rendered image of moon Charon much more interesting than this.
That's when the
Caltech researchers started to take Planet Nine seriously. "That was the
real jaw-dropping moment, when it went from a cute little idea to something
that might be for real," he said.
Sheppard, who
co-awrote the paper that Brown and Batygin set out to disprove, says the
existence of a hidden planet is still a big unknown. "Until we actually
see it for real, it will always be questionable as to whether it exists," he
said, cautioning that the latest calculations are based on a relatively small
number of known objects and that further observations and detections of
perturbed bodies would bolster the hypothesis. Still, Sheppard
significantly upped the odds of discovery – from 40 percent before to 60
percent now. “Some people took it seriously, but a lot of people didn’t,"
he said of his own study's findings. "With this new work, it’s much more
rigorous, and people will take it more seriously now.”
From the Côte
d'Azur Observatory in Nice, France, planetary scientist Alessandro Morbidelli
agreed that the evidence was stronger this time. "I immediately felt that
this paper, for the first time, was providing convincing evidence for a new
planet in the solar system," said Morbidelli, an expert in these kinds of
orbital movements who was not involved in either study. "I don't see any
alternative explanation to that offered by Batygin and Brown." "We will find
it one day," he added. "The question is when." The past two
decades have seen a burst of discoveries as astronomers have scrutinized the
light of distant stars and looked for signs of orbiting planets. More than a
thousand such planets have been detected through analysis of starlight that has
traveled across the vast interstellar distances. Brown and Batygin, however,
have been searching closer to home, looking for objects that orbit the sun and
remain unseen only because the outer regions of the solar system are
exceedingly dark.
The thought of a
hidden planet larger than Earth is intriguing, but for now it's difficult to
say too much about the hypothetical conditions there. Brown believes it's
probably an icy, rocky world with a small envelope of gas – a planet that could
have been the core of a gas giant had it not been ejected into a wonky, highly
elliptical orbit. It might not make its closest approach of the sun more than
once every 10,000 years, and even then it would remain far beyond the known
planets. The situation
mimics what happened in the 19th century when careful observation of the
seventh planet, Uranus, indicated that there must be another body in
far-distant space influencing its orbit. That work led eventually to the
discovery of Neptune. It would be
difficult to see the ninth planet if it's not at or near its closest approach
to the sun. Brown doesn't believe the object is at that point, saying it would
have been spotted by now. But he does think that the most powerful telescopes
on the planet, if pointed in precisely the right direction, might be able to detect
it even when it is most distant from the sun.
"We've been
looking for it for a while now, but the sky is pretty big," Brown said.
"We know its path, but not where it is on that path." He and Batygin hope
their paper's publication will infuse the search with new energy. "If
other people – better astronomers – get excited about the idea of finding
Planet Nine, we could hopefully see it within a couple of years," he said. The two know they
may not get credit for that discovery. Until the planet is spotted directly
with a telescope, any work surrounding it is theoretical. Brown, Batygin and
other scientists who have made the case for Planet Nine's existence are
providing treasure maps and clues – but someone else could very well strike
gold before they do. If and when it's spotted, Planet Nine would be evaluated
by the same criteria that got Pluto demoted. Brown isn't concerned about that.
"That's not
even a question -- it's definitely a planet," he said. One of the
trickiest criterion for planet status, based on the standards set by the
International Astronomical Union, is that a planet must "clear the
neighborhood" around its orbital zone. It needs to have the gravitational
prowess to change the orbits of other objects. "Planet Nine
is forcing any objects that cross its orbit to push into these misaligned
positions. It fits that concept perfectly," Brown said. The "Pluto
killer" added: "Not to mention the fact that it's 5,000 times the
mass of Pluto." Q&A: The ‘Pluto
Killer’ who thinks he’s found the true ninth planet.Flashback to 2004: Mike
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