Part fourteen building a self sustainable earth colony and travel into orbit this will be Planet Mars approx 6 months away it may require a base to be laden onto one martian moon. This could be done under the guidance of a small icy asteroid. Evening landing on demos this could carry a unit as it would be safe as rock. Unit could have extra advantage laser-ed out fitted tavern. This would be equivalent to baked granite rock impervious to solar radiation and it could supply ample amount of water. All that would be need to do is breath fish and grow some vegetables. Have plenty endearments from earth even have rotational laded system. These would be purpose built like Apollo craft. With there back to sun from this hollow construction this could produce a gravitational field, it a new concept. Martian Planet could first planet for humans to land on, well demos moon would be fine as the planet Mars is so similar to Earth. Just how people would survive, breathe, eat and drink on the dry, red planet as there are significant obstacles.

Yet to be overcome one is to map this planet especially for 'caves that have there own habitats'. The US has demonstrated that we know how to get to the Moon, as "Bolden said." What we have not demonstrated and what I think everyone most people will concede, is that there are technological gaps to sending humans to an asteroid and to Mars are complex as asteroid shapes not perfected, he added . and so every single moment of our time and every single dollar of this asset venture must be dedicated. NASA are trying to develop foam as in illustration those technologies that allow humanity to go beyond low Earth orbit, live in habituates beyond the Earth Moon.

President Barack Obama has proposed a $ 17.7 billion dollar budget for NASA in 2014, and he supports a "vibrant and coordinated strategy for Mars exploration," Bolden said. Setting foot on Mars by the 2030s is human destiny and a US priority, and every dollar available must be spent on bridging gaps in knowledge on how to get there, NASA's chief says.

Addressing a conference of space experts at George Washington University, NASA administrator Charles Bolden said that despite hard economic times the United States is committed to breaking new boundaries in space exploration. "A human mission to Mars is today the ultimate destination in our solar system for humanity, and it is a priority for NASA. Our entire exploration program is aligned to support this goal," Bolden said. building foam dome structures in space could be this cost efficient step for mankind.
These are to be among the first steps to sending astronauts to Mars are NASA's plans to capture and relocate an asteroid by 2025, a process that should inform future efforts to send humans into deep space, the former astronaut said but Mapping Mars for potential cave habitats is primary objective as this Planet should show some under neath the lava spillages.

Also, US astronaut Scott Kelly has volunteered to spend one year at the International Space Station in 2015 to allow doctors to assess how long-duration zero gravity exposure affects bone density, muscle mass and vision. Currently, a rotating cast of global astronauts each spend a maximum of six months aboard the orbiting outpost.

But despite increasing interest in landing on Mars, and a newly diverse space race that involves many countries instead just of old Cold War foes the United States and Russia, there is plenty that experts just do not know about how to reach Mars. For instance, there is no existing space vehicle to carry people on the seven-month or longer journey there, not to mention no plan for returning people to Earth. Medical experts are unsure what the physical ramifications would be for people who attempt to travel in high-radiation environments for such extended periods.
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