Thursday, 30 January 2014

Aligned control asteroid to mars.

Chapter forty eight as the age of laser drilling, holding, laser micro chipping and tattooing of asteroids can easily align some of these massive objects from earth. Space cruising points to the infancy of these piratical science. As new application emerge these should bring a more comprehensive understanding of how universe and planets were formed. Use and control the freezing point of water - via what are called quasi-amorphous Pyroelectric thin films. These surfaces change their electrical charge depending on their temperature etched as plates by laser tattooing the surface this could be done with an alignment lasers.  
When pyroelectic surfaces are positively charged, water becomes easier to freeze, and when they have a negative charge, it becomes harder to freeze. As researchers saw that supercooled water could freeze as it's being heated, as long as the temperature changes the surface charge as well. For instance, when supercooled water is on a negatively charged lithium tantalat surface, it will freeze solid immediately when the surface is heated to 17.6 degrees F (minus 8 degrees C) and its charge switches to positive. Curiously, positively charged surfaces inspire supercooled water to freeze from the bottom up, while negatively charged surfaces cause it to freeze from the top down. This likely has to do with how water molecules orient themselves - the negatively charged oxygen atoms in water molecules naturally point toward positively charged surfaces, while the reverse is true with hydrogen atoms. The difference between the positive and negative charge was unexpected.
2014 mars rover send a picture back to earth as Nasa's decides on its route.
Curiosity rover has been looking back at its home planet since 2009. The amazing image reveals the Earth and the moon in the far distance. It was taken as controllers prepare to send to rover on a risky mission to climb a large sand dune. Can you spot home? This view of the twilight sky and Martian horizon taken by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover includes Earth as the brightest point of light in the night sky Researchers used the left eye camera of Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam) to capture this scene about 80 minutes after sunset on the 529th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars on Jan. 31 2014. 

The unique view of the twilight sky and Martian horizon taken by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover includes Earth as the brightest point of light in the night sky.  Earth is a little left of center in the image, and our moon is just below Earth. 
Researchers used the left eye camera of Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam) to capture this scene about 80 minutes after sunset on the 529th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars on Jan 31st. The view of Earth from Mars: Nasa reveals portrait of home taken by its rover on the red planet. Dune is 1m high, and located in 'Dingo Gap' on the Martian surface. Team will slowly drive the rover to try and stop it getting stuck. Nasa's Spirit rover was lost in a sand trap in 2009 'A human observer with normal vision, if standing on Mars, could easily see Earth and the moon as two distinct, bright 'evening stars,' the space agency said. 'A human observer with normal vision, if standing on Mars, could easily see Earth and the moon as two distinct, bright 'evening stars,' the space agency said.
However, curiosity is not the first rover to photograph home from the red planet. That honour goes to the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit one hour before sunrise on the 63rd martian day, or sol, of its mission. The image is a mosaic of images taken by the rover's navigation camera showing a broad view of the sky, and an image taken by the rover's panoramic camera of Earth. The contrast in the panoramic camera image was increased two times to make Earth easier to see. This is the first image ever taken of Earth from the surface of a planet beyond the Moon, taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit ion 2004. 
Mission controllers were today set to give its Curiosity rover its toughest assignment yet - attempting to drive over a 1m high dune. Mission controllers say the route, despite the dune, is far safer. They were concerned their planned route was filled with sharp rocks that could damage the rover's wheels. Will it make it? Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover is set to drive west and attempt to climb the 1m high dune in the foreground of this picture. Curiosity is on a southwestward traverse of many months from an area where it found evidence of ancient conditions favourable for microbial life to its long-term science destination on the lower slopes of Mount Sharp. Based on analysis of images taken from orbit by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a location dubbed 'Dingo Gap' was assessed as a possible gateway to a favourable route for the next portion of the traverse. A final decision on whether to pass through this valley will ride on evaluation of a short drive planned this week toward the top of the dune that lies across 'Dingo Gap.' 
'The decision hasn't been made yet, but it is prudent to go check,' said Jim Erickson of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., project manager for Curiosity. Recent close-up pictures reveal multiple punctures, rips and dimples in Curiosity's metal 'tyres'.'We'll take a peek over the dune into the valley immediately to the west to see whether the terrain looks as good as the analysis of orbital images implies.' The dune is about 3 feet (1 meter) high at its center, tapered off at both sides of the gap between two low scarps. Recent close-up pictures reveal multiple punctures, rips and dimples in Curiosity's metal 'tyres'. The track pattern — dot-dash-dash-dash, dot-dash-dash-dot, dot-dash-dot-dot ('.--- .--. .-..') — spells out 'JPL' in Morse code, which translates letters and numbers into a series of short ("dot') and long ('dash') signals. 
Another image revealing the dune Curiosity is attempting to climb 'We have intentionally put holes in the wheels to leave a unique track on Mars,' Nasa said. 'So if we are in sand dunes where we don't have lots of rock features around us, we can use those patterns to do our visual odometer. 'The agency is taking no chances after Nasa's Spirit rover was lost in a sand trap in 2009. A colour view assembled from images taken by Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam) on the east side of the dune shows details of the valley that the rover may traverse this month. This mosaic of images from the Navigation Camera (Navcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the terrain to the west from the rover's position on the 528th Martian day, or sol, of the mission (Jan. 30, 2014).NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project is using Curiosity to assess ancient habitable environments and major changes in Martian environmental conditions. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, built the rover and manages the project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Ceres Largest Asteroid'

Chapter forth seven as with an  investigation of all unknown celestial body. Ceres is a perfectly round dwarf planet otherwise known as the largest asteroid in the solar belt. It is releasing water vapor from its surface at a rate of 13lb (6kg) per second unbelievably from its frozen ocean. Ceres is a perfectly round 'dwarf planet' and also the largest asteroid in the solar system thought to have a magnetic field. Scientists found that it is releasing water vapor. As (illustrated) from its surface at a rate of six kilograms per second.  
The study published in Nature confirms previous suspicions that Ceres contains abundant water and could provide important new clues to the origin of life on Earth. Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to the sun and is located in the asteroid belt, making it the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system. Ceres is the smallest of the bodies currently classified as a 'dwarf planet'. Scientists think Ceres may have an ocean and possibly an atmosphere. It lies less than three times as far as Earth from the sun close enough to feel the warmth of the star allowing ice to melt and reform.
Nasa's Dawn spacecraft has been making its way to Ceres from the asteroid. Vesta since September 2012. It is due to land next year. There is high interest in the mission because Ceres is one possible 'destination for realistic human colonization' given its abundance of ice, water, and minerals. 
Ceres is gushing with water as liquid spouting from 'planet's' surface could reveal how life began on Earth. The round dwarf planet otherwise known as the largest asteroid in the solar system is releasing water vapour at a rate of 13lb (6kg) per second. Observations by the European Space Agency's Herschel telescope suggest it could be coming from 'geysers or ice volcanoes' as of  now never been mapped as these features make it unique.
Water is gushing from the surface of a small 'planet' in the solar system, say scientists. Observations by the European Space Agency's Herschel telescope suggest it could be coming from geysers or ice volcanoes. Dr Michael Kuppers, of the ESA's lab in Villanueva de la Canada in Spain, and colleagues directly identified water molecules escaping from two regions of Ceres - the first of the smaller class of planets to be discovered and the closest to Earth.
It orbits the sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is very similar to Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus - both considered potential sources for harboring life. 
Dr Kuppers said infrared images picked up chemical signatures of water vapor around Ceres 'originating from localised sources that seem to be linked to mid-latitude regions'. The water evaporation could come from ice near the surface or volcanoes erupting 'volatiles such as water instead of molten rocks,' he said. The finding is timely given that Nasa's Dawn spacecraft will soon visit. Ceres is a fresh from its successful mission to another intriguing - small world, the asteroid Vesta. 
Dr Kuppers said: 'Although ground and space-based observations may further map the behavior of Ceres over its orbit the Dawn spacecraft mission arriving to orbit Ceres in early 2015 is expected to be key in providing a long-term follow-up on the water out gassing behavior of Ceres.' Distant journey: An artist's impression of the Dawn space probe approaching Ceres. The spacecraft is due to land on the 'planet' next year Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to the sun and is located in the solar system's asteroid belt, making it the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system. 
Ceres is the smallest of the bodies current classified as a 'dwarf planet' As Dr Humberto Campins, of Central Florida University reviewed the study for the journal and said the presence and abundance of water in bodies like Ceres could have relevance for the origin of life on Earth and the large-scale migration of planets such as Jupiter. One scenario suggests as the giant planets migrated they disturbed populations of small rocky and icy asteroids and comets which hit the early Earth and Moon delivering organic molecules and water onto Earth.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Aim For Alpha Centauri.

Chapter forty six planning to probe with detail imagery a mission to hunt for potentially habitable planets around unknown distant stars. Given these characteristics, Alpha Centauri B 4.24 light years away, so if a probe left earth travelling at quarter speed of light. Approximately 17 years with a  realistic plan five year build, be about twenty three years. This could include other mission dropping cameras barrings left to be switched on. As its a member of the closest stellar system to the sun. It possible to reach in twenty five years and why not. It is an ideal target for searches of a super-habitable world. ‘In my point of view, astronomers and biologists are biased,’ Rene Heller, an astrophysicist at Canada's McMaster University who is the study's lead author, told space cruising. Although it is entreating leave out possible plan ' Planet Venus' is a world' unexplored harbor balloons type craft that harnise oxygen without causing any risk no question as for safety shielded flight by detailed asteroid so no solar contamination. Fascination as well pushing the limits human en-devour coupled with costs resources and objectives not a moon landing more of an 'forgotten space station' project.
Scientists have been so focused on finding Earth-like planets that they're ignoring the possibility that other kinds of planets might be even friendlier to life, a new report says. So-called super habitable worlds wouldn't necessarily look like Earth but would nonetheless have conditions that are more suitable for life to emerge and evolve. Are there planets more suitable planets for life than Earth? 

‘Super-habitable' worlds may exist in nearby solar systems. These planets would likely be three times larger than Earth and much older scientist say. A study says liquid would be found in shallow reservoirs rather than oceans. The planets would have a magnetic field to shield them from space weather. Scientists also believe tidal heating could create conditions where life would emerge on an icy planet once thought to 'be uninhabitable'. The search for alien life has so far focused on planets that are similar to Earth. But astronomers may have missed a trick by looking too closely at worlds that are like our own, according to a new report. The study suggests there may be planets that do not necessarily look like Earth, but that could have environments more favorable to supporting life. Super-habitable worlds would most likely be two to three times bigger than Earth and much older, the researchers say.
Scientists believe 'super-habitable' planets would most likely be two to three times bigger than Earth and much older.
 They believe any liquid would be found over the surface of the planet in shallow reservoirs rather than in giant, deep oceans. Like Earth, the planets would have a magnetic field to shield them from space weather. However, scientists predict that the planets would have much thicker atmospheres. In the study ‘Superhabitable Worlds’, Professor Heller proposes that tidal heating can create conditions where life could emerge on an icy or terrestrial planet once thought to be uninhabitable.Tidal heating is the frictional heating of a satellite's core caused by the gravitational pull of its parent planet and possibly neighboring satellites. 
These planets would most likely be two to three times bigger than Earth and much older, the researchers say.They believe any liquid would be found over the surface of the planet in shallow reservoirs rather than in giant, deep oceans. Given these characteristics, they claim Alpha Centauri B, a member of the closest stellar system to the sun, is an ideal target for searches of a super-habitable world.'From a potpourri of habitable worlds that may exist, Earth might well turn out as one that is marginally habitable, even bizarre from a biocentric standpoint,' the researchers write. In the study 'Super-habitable Worlds', Professor Heller proposes that tidal heating can create conditions where life could emerge on an icy or terrestrial planet once thought to be uninhabitable. Pictured is an artist's impression of an exoplanet. The Goldilocks zone is the belt around a star where temperatures are ideal for liquid water to pool on a planet's surface. To determine the location of a star's habitable zone, scientists have to first learn how much total radiation it emits.
Knowing precisely how far away a habitable zone needs to be from a star also depends on chemistry. 
For example, molecules in a planet's atmosphere will absorb a certain amount of energy from starlight and radiate the rest back out. How much of this energy is trapped can mean the difference between a turquoise sea and erupting volcanoes. Like Earth, the planets would have a magnetic field to shield them from space weather. However, scientists predict that the planets would have much thicker atmospheres. ‘A tidally heated planet would be unpleasant though spectacular to visit,’ said Norman Sleep, Senior Editor for Astrobiology and Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University. 
Current studies suggest that super-Earths are more common than Earth-size planetsSo far, scientists have detected about a thousand planets orbiting other stars in something known as the Goldilocks zone. The Goldilocks zone is the belt around a star where temperatures are ideal for liquid water to pool on a planet's surface. This has started a race to find the one that most resembles Earth. But in a separate study, UK researchers suggested that Earth-sized planets can support life at least ten times further away from stars than previously thought.
This means that cold rocky planets previously considered uninhabitable may be teeming with life beneath the surface. Academics at the University of Aberdeen and University of St Andrews believe the definition of the ‘Goldilocks’ zone is flawed. They argue this definition fails to take into account life that can exist beneath a planet’s surface. So far, scientists have detected about a thousand planets orbiting other stars in something known as the Goldilocks zone. This is the belt around a star where temperatures are ideal for liquid water to pool on a planet's surface.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Landing Rosetta Comet 67P

Chapter forth five the Rosetta Lander by European Space Agency hopes to bring some details as to this long time beckon that may be left unearth onto the comet surface. Planning to land on the front of this comet is immensely complex. As Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan Projects. As they experienced similar difficulty as with their return journey from 'Ju 1999 Asteroid' orbits between planets Mars and Venus. Returned sampled from Space cCaft Hayabusa 2010 samples are on exhibit 'Sagamihara City Museum'.  
As the E.S.A. go whaling this comet without a harpoon. They could winch down its lander on a fix antenna as this has risk, but it could be a sure shot by its Philae Lander onto three carbon graphite flex feet that move, had it been identified. Here on space cruising is the probe that went into hibernation. Been in this state for over two and a half years. It took three quarters of an hour to get it back to operational state as Fred Jansen Rosetta mission manager told space cruising. Europe 's Rosetta Spacecraft was launched from Earth in 2004.
Launched back in 2004 , the probe has taken a rather circuitous route out to its target comet. Among its wide range of scientific measurements, Philae lander will send back a panorama of its surroundings, as well as very high-resolution pictures of the surface. It will also performing an on the spot analysis of the composition of the ices and the comets organic material, Pendahuluan drilling down to 23 cm below the surface and feeding samples to Philae's on-board laboratory for analysis.The focus of the mission will then move to the 'escort' phase, during your Rosetta which will stay alongside the comet as it moves closer to the Sun.
Monitoring the ever-changing conditions have on the surface as the comet warms up and its ICES sublimate. Rosetta will follow the comet races, the remainder of 2015, as it heads away from the Sun and activity begins to subside. This craft has made a number of maneuvers these were involved making flybys off other planets, Using Their gravity to pick up speed for the eventual sufficient encounter of his comet outside the planet Jupiter. It has already delivered some fascinating science, particularly from the close passes made ​​by two Asteroids the rocks Steins, in 2008 , and Lutetia, in 2010.
The Spacecraft is fully operational and is ready for drilling Probe Philae commences depart in September, the probe is awake and the science team knows there are two busy years ahead of them. Saying now we have to work hard. Thanks to the team that's achieved this . this is a beautifully detailed rendering of the Rosetta Mission. Its showing the landing craft on the Icy Surface of ' Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasiamenko'. The sun beyond above is the main orbiter spacecraft , with '14 meters of solar panels on each side'. The Orbiter has eleven groups of scientific instruments , Intended to take Readings from the lander , and relay to back to earth. The prototype of the Rosetta disk is also on the orbiter , located on the exterior thermal blankets underneath .
The Orbiter is due to intercept with the comet in 2014. ESA 's space operations center in Darmstadt , Germany was almost deafening . Scientists and engineers were waiting to Receive a signal from the Rosetta Spacecraft , Which was supposed to come out of Hibernation today to begin its mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in Earnest . Finally , after waiting nearly 45 minutes into the window of time When the Spacecraft was supposed to send a signal that's it limits Successfully come out of Hibernation , Appeared a little blip on the screens of the spectrum Analyses and the room erupted in cheers.
Once controllers have a full assessment of the health of Rosetta , They will Initiate a series of burns on its thrusters to close the gap to 67P .
Currently at a separation of nine million miles, this will be reduced to a mere 10 km by mid September. As it has to find a landing for the 'three legged robot called Philae in November' is sure to be a nail biting event. I know that NASA colleagues talked about 'seven minutes of terror' for the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars it'll will be more like four hours of terror between the separation of Philae and its 'docking' on the comet , said Esa director general Jean- Jacques Dordain. The Rosetta for the intention is to follow the comet as it moves closer Towards the Sun , monitoring the changes that's take place on the body.
Philae landing probe will report that's changes occur at the surface. Comets giant 'dirty snowballs', as some have called all comets are believed to contain materials. These have remained largely unchanged since the formation of the solar system 4.6bn years ago. Rosetta data should therefore help researchers understand better how our local space environment has evolved over time magnetically and structurally. Rosetta is a unique mission - technologically unique, unique scientifically, and philosophically is unique because comets may have been where the origins of how humans came to 'inherit the earth' and may answer the big question of how 'Earth Oceans Formed'?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Virgin Galactic Two.

Chapter forty four it the first fully private design build, as a sub orbital commercial passenger space aircraft. It officially opens with its galactic two ship on the tenth anniversary. This is the only supersonic passenger suborbital space craft that you can book flight on and ever known as it just has come into existence book here just a click virgin galactic booking. As Sir Richard Branson with designer Burt Rutan , They embrace the challenge are surrounded by employee's below. Its a feat in engineering and piloting endeavors. Virgin Galactic space ship as one is set to retires into history, as a space ship one pioneer.
The original rocket plane that's won the $ 10 million Ansari X Prize for private spaceflight in 2004 in Mojave now lives at the Smithsonian's 'National Air and Space Museum'. Space tourism, once regarded as something of the future, will exist in our lifetime. Commercial space travel has gotten one small step closer to reality, as Virgin Galactic's Space Ship Two third test flight has better specification goes into full commercial service.

The 27-foot-wide space shift winged flight tested with a 20-second engine burn Which amplifies the speed of the plane to a maximum velocity of Mach 1.4, reports to space Cruisers. This particular test was meant to monitor the thermal coating on the tail of the Spacecraft as well as the ship's control system that's helps the pilot make his way out of outer space and also give space Tourists the best views, it a fully private funded venture.
Closing in on space at 71,000 feet into space from an altitude of 45,000 feet down to a successful landing at Virgin's Mojave Air and Spaceport. The Space Ship Two, dubbed the VSS Enterprise, was piloted by Pete Siebold, with Mike Alsbury as co-pilot.
 "This was one of the Most the exciting days in the whole history of Virgin," said Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson, who was on hand for the flight. "For the first time since we seriously began the project in 2004, I watched the world's first manned commercial spaceship landing on the runway at Mojave Air and Space Port and it was a great moment. Now, the sky is no longer the limit and we will begin the process of pushing beyond to the final frontier of space, LTD over the next year. "The first free flight of the Space Ship Two Craft Come in on schedule after a series of captive Carry flights (the first was), In which the VSS Enterprise was carried aloft by the custom-built White Knight Two mother ship it the new, dubbed 'The Eve'.
When Virgin Galactic enters operation, the craft will be taken up to a high altitude by a conventional plane then released: at that's point, a rocket booster will PROPEL the craft out of the atmosphere. Re-entry is like NASA's Space Shuttle: a controlled Glide to a pre-defined landing point. The free flight of the VSS Enterprise Confirmed the that's's flight systems were all functioning correctly.
"The VSS Enterprise was a real joy to fly," said pilot Pete Siebold, "Especially When one considers the fact that's the vehicle has been Designed not only to be a Mach 3.5 spaceship capable of going into space but also one of the world's Highest altitude gliders. "Siebold was also the pilot for Space Ship One, the craft that's won the Ansari X-Prize. Among other Achievements first voyage in 2010, the Space Ship One was the first private craft to go over 100km in altitude, and the first private reusable manned Spacecraft.
Virgin Galactic has lined up some 370 customer Deposits totalling some $ 50 million for what it will be the world's first commercial passenger space flight operation. As the official opening is set for 2014 celebrities have already started signing up for the exclusive space tours, ready to take off later this year. NBC reports that's Katy Perry and Justin Bieber have already signed up. Tickets cost $ 250,000. CEO Richard Branson has promised to take a seat on the ship's first flight. Branson hopes to move the passenger flight base to Spaceport to America in new mexico it floats to back into earth atmosphere softy as it re-entry is a calculated circular motion with nudge of its fins brings this craft to runway.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Universe Galaxy Gallery.

Chapter forty three contents of galaxies scientists claim to have measured parts of the universe to this gold standard using galaxies more than six billion light years away 2014  these contents maybe made public onto internet engine. 
The impressive measurements were taken by the ‘Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey’ (BOSS) using the Sloan Foundation Telescope in New Mexico. An artist's concept of the latest, accurate measurement of the universe. The spheres show the current size of the 'baryon acoustic oscillations' (BAOs) from the early universe. BAOs are the 'frozen' imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe. It’s a giant step in space measurement: Scale of the universe is measured to one per cent accuracy.  As this compares to 20 years ago when data differed by up to 50 per cent now scientists mapped over 1.2 million galaxies up to 6bn light years away. Equations revealed details about universal expansion and as a result, dark energy. They suggest a model of universe that extends into space and time infinitely. There aren’t many things in our everyday lives that we know to one per cent accuracy. Said to space cruising ‘I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house,’ said Professor David Schlegel BOSS principal investigator. Researchers combined their data with measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation to reveal information about the expansion of the universe. Pictured here is a map that shows how CMB varies in our curved universe. ‘On a clear night when everything goes perfectly, we can add more than 8000 galaxies and quasars to the map,’ said Kaike Pan, who leads the team of observers at the SDSS-III's Sloan Foundation 2.5-meter Telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. The observatory ot the south pole is very powerful land based telescope easily controlled.
‘Twenty years ago astronomers were arguing about estimates that differed by up to 50 per cent. ‘Five years ago, we'd refined that uncertainty to five per cent; a year ago it was two per cent.‘One per cent accuracy will be the standard for a long time to come.’BOSS measures the clustering of galaxies revealing their precise distance, the age of the universe, and how fast the universe has expanded. The measurement uses a 'standard ruler' based on the regular variations of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (right) The distance and distribution of galaxies can be measured using what cosmologists call a 'standard ruler'. Standard rulers can be thought of like a car's headlights. 
The distance between the two headlights of most cars is more or less the same. The farther away a car is, the closer together the headlights appear to be. By measuring the angular separation between the headlights, the distance of the car can be found. The team at BOSS used similar methods to measure something known as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs).BAOs are the ‘frozen’ imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe - and help establish the distribution of galaxies. The distance and distribution of galaxies can be measured using what cosmologists call a standard ruler. The latest results indicate dark energy’s strength does not vary in space or time. They have also helped provide an estimate of the curvature of space. As Professor Schlegel said the results are consistent with a model of the universe that goes on and on, extending into space and time infinitely.
‘With these galaxy measurements, nature has given us a beautiful ruler,’ added Ashley Ross, an astronomer from the University of Portsmouth. So here how scientist measure the distances between varied galaxies equations can be also used The distance of galaxies can be measured using a 'standard ruler'. Standard rulers can be thought of like a car's headlights. The distance between the two headlights of most cars is more or less the same. The farther away a car is, the closer together the headlights appear to be. By measuring the angular separation between the headlights, the distance of the car can be found. 
The team at BOSS used similar methods to measure something known as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs). BAOs are the ‘frozen’ imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe - and help establish the distribution of galaxies. The BOSS researchers mapped more than 1.2 million light-emitting galaxies, and then used fundamental physics calculations to measure BAO. They then combined this data with measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation to reveal information about the expansion of the universe. The BOSS researchers mapped more than 1.2 million light-emitting galaxies, and then used fundamental physics calculations to measure BAO. They then combined this data with measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. The cosmic microwave background is the thermal radiation assumed to be left over from the Big Bang. These equations revealed information about the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, and as a result, dark energy. ‘Before, our picture of the universe looked fuzzy. It was like we were near-sighted, but didn't have glasses,’ said Shirley Ho, assistant professor of physics at Carnegie Mellon. ‘The ruler happens to be half a billion light years long, so we can use it to measure distances precisely, even from very far away. ’Making these measurements required astronomers to map the locations of 1.2 million galaxies. Teem Boss uses a specialised instrument that can make detailed measurements of 1000 galaxies at a time.