Chapter forty three contents of galaxies scientists claim to have measured parts of the universe to this gold
standard using galaxies more than six billion light years away 2014 these contents maybe made public onto internet engine.
The impressive
measurements were taken by the ‘Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey’ (BOSS)
using the Sloan Foundation Telescope in New Mexico. An artist's concept of the
latest, accurate measurement of the universe. The spheres show the current size
of the 'baryon acoustic oscillations' (BAOs) from the early universe. BAOs are
the 'frozen' imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe. It’s a giant
step in space measurement: Scale of the universe is measured to one per cent
accuracy. As this
compares to 20 years ago when data differed by up to 50 per cent now scientists
mapped over 1.2 million galaxies up to 6bn light years away. Equations revealed
details about universal expansion and as a result, dark energy. They suggest a
model of universe that extends into space and time infinitely. There aren’t
many things in our everyday lives that we know to one per cent accuracy. Said to space cruising ‘I now know the
size of the universe better than I know the size of my house,’ said Professor
David Schlegel BOSS principal investigator. Researchers combined their data
with measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic microwave
background (CMB) radiation to reveal information about the expansion of the
universe. Pictured here is a map that shows how CMB varies in our curved
universe. ‘On a clear night when everything goes perfectly, we can add more
than 8000 galaxies and quasars to the map,’ said Kaike Pan, who leads the team
of observers at the SDSS-III's Sloan Foundation 2.5-meter Telescope at Apache
Point Observatory in New Mexico. The observatory ot the south pole is very
powerful land based telescope easily controlled.

‘Twenty years ago astronomers were arguing about estimates that differed
by up to 50 per cent. ‘Five years ago, we'd refined that uncertainty to five
per cent; a year ago it was two per cent.‘One per cent accuracy will be the
standard for a long time to come.’BOSS measures the clustering of galaxies
revealing their precise distance, the age of the universe, and how fast the
universe has expanded. The measurement uses a 'standard ruler' based on the
regular variations of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background
(right) The distance and distribution of galaxies can be measured using what
cosmologists call a 'standard ruler'. Standard rulers can be thought of like a
car's headlights.
The distance between the two headlights of most cars is more
or less the same. The farther away a car is, the closer together the headlights
appear to be. By measuring the angular separation between the headlights, the
distance of the car can be found. The team at BOSS used similar methods to
measure something known as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs).BAOs are the
‘frozen’ imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe - and
help establish the distribution of galaxies. The distance and distribution of
galaxies can be measured using what cosmologists call a standard ruler. The
latest results indicate dark energy’s strength does not vary in space or time.
They have also helped provide an estimate of the curvature of space. As Professor
Schlegel said the results are consistent with a model of the universe that goes
on and on, extending into space and time infinitely.

‘With these galaxy measurements, nature has given us a beautiful ruler,’
added Ashley Ross, an astronomer from the University of Portsmouth. So here how
scientist measure the distances between varied galaxies equations can be also
used The distance of galaxies can be
measured using a 'standard ruler'. Standard rulers can be thought of like a
car's headlights. The distance between the two headlights of most cars is more
or less the same. The farther
away a car is, the closer together the headlights appear to be. By measuring
the angular separation between the headlights, the distance of the car can be
The team at BOSS used
similar methods to measure something known as baryon acoustic oscillations
(BAOs). BAOs are the ‘frozen’
imprints of pressure waves that moved through the early universe - and help
establish the distribution of galaxies. The BOSS researchers mapped more than 1.2 million light-emitting
galaxies, and then used fundamental physics calculations to measure BAO.
They then combined this data with
measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic microwave background
(CMB) radiation to reveal information about the expansion of the universe.
The BOSS researchers mapped more than 1.2 million light-emitting galaxies, and
then used fundamental physics calculations to measure BAO. They then combined
this data with measurements of temperature variation within the cosmic
microwave background (CMB) radiation. The cosmic microwave background is the
thermal radiation assumed to be left over from the Big Bang. These equations
revealed information about the acceleration of the expansion of the universe,
and as a result, dark energy. ‘Before, our picture of the universe looked
fuzzy. It was like we were near-sighted, but didn't have glasses,’ said Shirley
Ho, assistant professor of physics at Carnegie Mellon. ‘The ruler happens to be
half a billion light years long, so we can use it to measure distances precisely,
even from very far away. ’Making these measurements required astronomers to map
the locations of 1.2 million galaxies. Teem Boss uses a specialised instrument
that can make detailed measurements of 1000 galaxies at a time.

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