Chapter fifty seven as the planet Venus seems an amazingly suitable for a human space station, similar to international space station and as its easier to solar sail away from back towards earth. Before having multiple rovers landing on mars. Surviving inhabit one has to rise up through the clouds of Venus to an altitude of 50-60 kilometres above its atmospheric pressure and temperature. As then it becomes similar as conditions of Earth without radiation. Venus moon based on its absolute magnitude, and they determined a spin rate of 13.5 hours full rotation. As plants use sunlight to make food. There could even be a non-carbon-based equivalent to lichens a top Venus' five-mile-high volcanoes, perhaps feeding on sulfur gases, 'Researchers said Space Cruising'. some of illustrations certainly point to a migration from Venus towards Earth via field of debris which occurred.
Planet Venus atmosphere would still be full of nitrogen similarity in pressure, temperature and the fact that full of breathable air (21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen). Oxygen is a lifting gas on Venus in the same way that helium is a lifting gas on Earth. "the toxic carbon dioxide, but breathable air would be used as a 'lifting gas' on Venus plenty ozone. If there should be water within the planet as suggestion states there are gushers lurking finding where they exist. Then these floating balloons of water could float up into the skies of Venus. A balloon made of near breathable air. One could stand out on the deck of your Venusian sky city in shorts and a T-shirt, soaking up the sunlight in regular Earth gravity watch sand towers emerge as laser develop structure this would be the idyllic way to freeze dry a build and as to laser welding a structure into place 'but could it be this simple here a video from ESA express air braking across planet surface at 60th ft'?
A maned express as observatory then back to earth not complicated as a small feet in engineering. It may be possible to collect oxygen from upper atmosphere braking ozone up with help CFC have to make water in reverse combining hydrogen to oxygen way hay. Venus sounds idyllic, right well knead a lot of water H20 to maintain habitat but if somehow process water this not unthinkable have a 'sister planet' where already breath yea resource funds. But if ones is prepared to hard-wire a tread of ice. This water could be collected sort to speak, but its a maybe its a place where have an android instead 'this is the completed express mission'?
So planet Venus in any opinion could be bread winner, some still think Mars is the most Earth like place in the Solar System. But a lot more astronauts would survive on a space station. A now 'Venus Express' and could return to Earth. Also have Planet supply Venusian Moon 2002 VE 68 that no probe has landed on, as of yet. Findings on the Planet Venus heat radiation reflected away by ozone as there's no 'water vapor just large amounts carbon dioxide and pressurized green house gas this creates an acid effect on the surface? As with underground vents could manipulation create sufficient cooling allow laser drilling for water gushers self supporting colony. Tap into atmosphere well why complicate things as it has an atmosphere and temperature and gravity that could supply all of kneads besides the planets soil sitting in wait.
But the shared opinion is there no way back with today's technology from surface of the planet mars and if mars were like earth there are still to many hazard-es obstacles attached to the red planet mars. The clouds of Venus are the place to step create and sail home. "There's a lot of interest in Venus at the moment but no funds for example a 'Venusian Rover Instead For 2020', Still looking at Mars lately and in some ways Mars is Earth's twin, but in even more ways, Venus is Earth's step away and could make life on Earth much easier. So we could learn a lot about Earth by studying Venus and how to overcome global warming as a continuing rate of rain drops called toxic.
Photo of Venus from Earth with 2002 moon at its apex furthest point from earth. A solar powered Aircraft has been a long-time interest from a company Landis. As it has spent a lot of time perfecting the combined probe. The idea of flying an space-plane around Venus sounds very interesting. Since about fifteen years a team have been studying this concept and Landis recently presented their findings to NASA's for Venus probe to get funding. So been trying to drum up enthusiasm for the things they done research," he said. The main work the group has done so far has been focusing on the aeroplane itself. verifying that the concept is actually going to work. "We've done a thorough design study to determine if there are any showstoppers keep a probe air born. they don't think there are. they think it a very doable project. Exploring Venus become known as onto the fire. Venus Express is not the first spacecraft to journey this far into the Venusian atmosphere. That honor is bestowed to a series of Soviet spacecraft in the 1960s, 70s and 80s called the Venera probes. As About a dozen were sent on daring missions to the surface of Venus, with only a handful being successful. The intense heat and atmospheric pressure crushed each of the probe in an hour once they had penetrated the atmosphere - but a few managed to survive long enough to return data or images.
The Venera probes were succeeded by the Vega spacecraft, high-altitude balloons that were sent into the atmosphere of Venus on scientific missions. Just getting interested parties involved. As The Moon Buggy Idea is hard to get away from and this is never going to be a prospect proposed for the planet Venus Pioneers. As it would be more shift towards a modular space station using balloons and anchors like boating . Not that anyone will be herding there as atmospheric pressure fifty times that of Earth. This planet is a very doable options as livable outpost. Quick service to and from this planet orbiting in upper atmosphere gravity bound 'Venus Space Station' using its surface to build find solution green house gasses. Also landing on Martian Moon Called Phobos Grunt Mission. As Russia would have nearly done this only for rocket mishap 2011 worked on for a decade. Then there is Asteroid Ceres far escape near two years away in conventional terms. Could Venus become a colony before all the failings attempts of mars. Will asteroid Ceres eventually boils dry, as this is never going to happen in human terms. The Planet Venus seems have all ingredients for the 'now future colony oxygen at least and atmosphere if willing to reside in balloon type space-station' but who listening it mars do or die?
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