Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Twelve men and two Rovers.

A Back to back mission to space not as we know it, NASA processed its Data didn't consider back up data neither getting its lunar samples back, as video camera became fixed cameras achievement.
today use gyroscopes turns craft efficiently 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind', but most listeners claim they can't hear the first 'a' and the statement has become best known without it. As “These tapes are not in the system," Nafzger said. "We are certainly open to finding them Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits to Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor. As Washington had the original recordings of the first humans landing on the moon 40 years ago. Just were erased and re-used, but newly restored copies of the original broadcast look even better, NASA officials said on Thursday. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins
As NASA released the first glimpses of a complete digital make-over of the original landing footage that clarifies the blurry and grainy images of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walking on the surface of the moon. The full set of recordings, being cleaned up by Burbank, California-based Lowry Digital, then disclosed. The preview is available at NASA admitted in 2006 that no one could find the original video recordings of the July 20, 1969, landing.
The lander remains on site as captured by satellite preserved in its solar radiated dust, thought to have been much deeper solar wind. As it will always sit on the corona of the lunar surface. Also Russia failures with one earlier attempt, this was by sayauz three. With an earlier landing to beat NASA, probably has a Russian cosmonaut still inside on the moon, comes with a total 3 crashed vehicles, with only one manned expedition to collect their first lunar soil sample.
As her Majesty Elizabeth took a keen interest, a question was asked, why did the astronauts’ proceed to come up off the moon when they were landing.
This showed up on the England’s radar system during touchdown.  Answer is as seen in the video where one can clearly see the crater Neil Armstrong desperately avoided as they didn’t want to land in. Yes the crater is huge and one can see they didn’t want to venture near it either. It would need a lot of digging for a long time and that’s only to get out of it. As the astronauts’ clearly looking into it on video to the size of the crater, on decent Neil heart rate jumped as his vitals were monitored by the ground team.
Armstrong was interviewed by BBC talks about pilot skills he said if suit ripped trouble or big risk was docking for the return journey as it was a right first time right manoeuvre. Maybe not his exact words but one can see in tapes if they have margin for error was minimal. They pointed the connected craft, before the Earth for their routine journey back.
Also on the Lunar surface they had to jammed a metal pen into pull button switch, to start engine inside lunar module as the button flew onto the floor a wee bit of luck. Since the loss of tapes these would give NASA an insight as to a day in outer space with no radiation shield. Richard Nafzger, an engineer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland, who oversaw television processing at the ground-tracking sites during the Apollo 11 mission, has been looking for them. The good news is he found where they went. The bad news is they were part of a batch of 200,000 tapes that were degaussed by magnetically erased and re-used valuable data just to save very little money. One can clearly see the crater to the right of this photo here.
"The goal was live TV," Nafzger told a news conference.
"We should have had a historian running around saying 'I don't care if you are ever going to use them we are going to keep them' Nafzger said NASA has found good copies in the archives of CBS news and some recordings called kinescopes found in film vaults at Johnson Space Center. Many tests carried out on ground and Neil was hospitalised in lunar module crash, in Florida and he was nearly replaced in the program. Lowry, best known for restoring old Hollywood films, has been digitizing these along with some other bits and pieces to make a new rendering of the original landing. Nafzger does not worry that using a Hollywood-based company might fuel the fire of conspiracy theorists who believe the entire lunar program that landed people on the moon six times between 1969 and 1972 was staged on a movie set or secret military base and some still do as survey it worried NASA.

"As this company is restoring historic video. It mattered not to me where the company was from," Nafzger said. "The conspiracy theorists are going to believe what they are going to believe," added Lowry Digital Chief Operating Officer Mike Inchalik. As there may be some unofficial copies of the original broadcast out there somewhere that were taken from a NASA video switching center in Sydney, Australia, the space agency said. Nafzger said someone else in Sydney made recordings too. "These tapes are not in the system," Nafzger said. "We are certainly open if as to finding a trace of them."

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