Chapter twenty nine list of earth like planets have condensed atmosphere as the same as earth so to study for vital signs for future developments.
These exoplanets are not at all like scorching ‘hot Jupiter’ - a term given to massive worlds that orbit close
to their stars. Because they are so hot and big, scientists believe the planets
are unlikely to support life as we know it. Faint signs of water have been
found in the atmospheres of five distant planets beyond our solar system. Scientists
found faint signatures of water in the atmospheres of five distant planets. All
five planets appear to be hazy. This illustration shows a star's light
illuminating the atmosphere of a planet. To determine what’s in the atmosphere
of an exoplanet, astronomers watch the planet pass in front of its host star. When
this happens, some of the star's light passes through the planet's atmosphere. This
interaction imprints information on the composition and motion of the planet's
atmosphere into the star's light. Scientists can then analyse which wavelengths
of light are transmitted and which are partially absorbed to determine whether
water is present in the atmosphere of the planet. Is this evidence of life beyond Earth? Hubble telescope discovers
water on five giant planets trillions of miles away.

The planets are all
scorching ‘hot Jupiter’ that orbit close to their stars. To detect water,
astronomers watched the planets pass in front of their star. Then looked at how
much light could pass through planet's atmosphere. However, because the planets
are so hot, scientists believe they are unlikely to support life as we know it.
However, the finding still marks an important step forward in the search for
alien life, the researchers said. ‘We're very confident that we see a water
signature for multiple planets,’ said Avi Mandell of Nasa’s Goddard Space
Flight Center. ‘This work really opens the door for comparing how much water is
present in atmospheres on different kinds of exoplanets — for example, hotter
versus cooler ones. ’The presence of atmospheric water has been reported
previously on exoplanets orbiting stars beyond our solar system. However, this
is the first study to measure and compare the profiles and intensities of these
signatures on multiple worlds. The team used Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 to
analyse the atmospheres of the five planets, named WASP-17b, HD209458b,
WASP-12b, WASP-19b and XO-1b. Hubble traces subtle signals of
water on hazy worlds.
To determine what’s
in the atmosphere of an exoplanet, astronomers watch the planet pass in front
of its host star and look at which wavelengths of light are transmitted and
which are partially absorbed. The strengths of their water signatures varied
with WASP-17b described as having an ‘especially puffed-up atmosphere’.

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