Friday, 20 December 2013

True the continuum

Chapter thirty five as matter is transforms into an energy, although carbon remains an exact can it be transformed back into matter 'a but how?' laying down fundamental rules of physics as humanity tries to gain full understanding of this concept. Its a kind of transformed motion and this is happening in a limited capability today within consumption of data as here a image that is self explanatory. As Space Cruising goal bring affordable suborbital holidays. This project is to define our carbonated neighbour planets and focus on possibly build of a sustainable colony here is a protocell trainer. It could be made into a suborbital balloon that could transform concept of orbital materials.
So as to sheer off the prejudges, of vertebrata none vertebrata. Humanoid drones could comply as with most of these tasks and live upper stratospheric of our neighbouring 'Planet Venus' taking up a sun rim orbital position. But this project will become an observation centre, to monitor planet activities brought forward. As it is almost fully reliant on optimum template climate with in stratosphere of this god given gift lead by humility.

Here to the justification of such as technology is racing forward yet our social designs have remained relatively static based on these systems. In other words cultural change has not kept pace with technological change. Our present, outmoded political and economic systems are unable to apply the real benefits of today's innovative technology to achieve the greatest good for all people with minuscule of pricing and to overcome these inequities imposed upon so many. Our technology is racing forward yet our social designs have remained relatively static. In other words cultural change has not kept pace with technological change. 
Humanity now has the means to produce goods and services in abundance for everyone. Unfortunately, today science and technology have been diverted from achieving the greatest good for reasons of self-interest and gain through planned obsolescence sometimes referred to as the conscious withdrawal of efficiency true designs. It is now possible to have and enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities that a prosperous civilisations can provide. This can be accomplished through the intelligent and humane application of science and technology so here to have a planet outpost on neighbouring planet Venus by designs that anybody can identify as a small but enjoyable challenge.

The suggestion would be to have an upper orbital outpost on this planet controlled like humanoid drones as to live underground maybe possible. But compared to planet mars option due intensity of sun radiation omitted and travelling by asteroid as travel to planet mars as rule is unlikely given the restraints imposed today. But a mission to leave a pod in orbit over the Planet Venus smart as it has the best earth bound trajectory, possible in the shorter term. A day on Venus lasts longer than a year It takes 243 Earth days to make rotate once on its axis. The planet's orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth days, compared to the Earth's 365. Venus is often called the Earth's sister planet. Earth and Venus are very similar in size with only a 638 km difference in diameter, Venus having 81.5% of the Earth's mass. Both also have a central core, a molten mantle and a crust. Venus rotates counter-clockwise. Also known as retrograde rotation.
A possible reason might be a collision in the past with an asteroid or other object that caused the planet to alter its rotational path. It also differs from most other planets in our solar system by having no natural satellites. Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky. Only the Moon is brighter. With a magnitude of between -3.8 to -4.6 Venus is so bright it can be seen during daytime on a clear day. Atmospheric pressure on Venus is 92 times greater than the Earth's. While its size and mass are similar to Earth, the small asteroids are crushed when entering its atmosphere, meaning no small craters lie on the surface of the planet. The pressure felt by a human on the surface would be equivalent to that experienced deep beneath the sea ​​on Earth. Venus is also known as the Morning Star and the Evening Star early civilisations thought Venus was two different bodies, called Phosphorus and Hesperus by the Greeks, and Lucifer and Vesper by the Romans. This is because when its orbit around the Sun overtakes Earth's orbit, it changes from being visible after sunset to being visible before sunrise . Mayan astronomers made detailed observations of Venus as early as 650 AD. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system: The average surface temperature is 462 ° C, and because Venus does not tilt on its axis, there is no seasonal variation. The dense atmosphere of around 96.5 percent carbon dioxide traps heat and causes a greenhouse effect. A detailed study of Venus is currently underway. In 2006, the Venus Express space shuttle was sent into orbit around Venus by the European Space Agency, and is sending back information about the planet. Originally planned to last five hundred Earth days, the mission has been extended several times. More than 1,000 volcanoes or volcanic centres larger than 20 km have been found on the surface of Venus. At one point it was thought Venus might be a tropical paradise: The dense clouds of sulphuric acid surrounding Venus make it impossible to view its surface from outside its atmosphere. It was only when radio mapping was developed in the 1960s that scientists were able to observe and measure the extreme temperatures and hostile environment. It is thought Venus did once have oceans but these evaporated as the planets temperature increased.

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