Monday, 30 September 2013

Space Planetary Observations.

Part seven motion explained rotation of 'space planet earth' The researchers at Leeds University claim the planet behaves in this way because it is responding to the Earth's geomagnetic field. 
In the last few decades, seismometers measuring how earthquakes travelling through the Earth's core have identified an 'eastwards super rotation' of the solid inner core, relative to Earth's surface. 'The link is simply explained in terms of equal and opposite action,' said Dr Philip Livermore, of the School of Earth and Environment at Leeds University. The solid iron inner core is about the size of the Moon. It is surrounded by the liquid outer core (blue), an iron alloy, whose movement generates the geomagnetic field. The inner core and rotation axis on this model are shown in grey. 'The magnetic field pushes eastwards on the inner core, causing it to spin faster than the Earth, but it also pushes in the 'opposite direction' in the liquid outer core, which creates a westward motion. 'The solid iron inner core is about the size of the Moon. 
This is surrounded by the liquid outer core, an iron alloy, whose movement generates the geomagnetic field. Although the inner core is 5,200 km beneath our feet, the effect of its presence is especially important on Earth's surface. In particular, as the inner core grows, the heat released during solidification drives convection in the fluid in the outer core. This convection generates our geomagnetic field. Without our magnetic field, the surface would not be protected from solar radiation, and life on Earth would not be able to exist.
The magnetic field pushes eastwards on the inner core, causing it to spin faster than the Earth, but it also pushes in the opposite direction in the liquid outer core, which creates a westward motion. 
These findings could help scientists better understand the dynamics of the core of the Earth and the planet's magnetic field. The fact that the Earth's internal magnetic field changes slowly, over a timescale of decades, means that the electromagnetic force responsible for pushing the inner and outer cores will itself change over time, claims Leeds University. This, they believe, may explain fluctuations in the eastwards rotation of the inner core. Previous research based on archaeological artefacts and rocks suggests that the drift direction has not always been westwards. Scientists believe some periods of eastwards motion may have occurred in the last 3,000 years. If the theory of this model is correct, this suggests that the inner core may have also undergone a westwards rotation. The authors used a model of the Earth's core which was run on the giant super-computer Monte Rosa, part of the Swiss . National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano, Switzerland Using a new method, they were able to simulate the Earth's core with an accuracy about 100 times better than other models A 300-year-old riddle finally solved:. Earth's inner core spins in an eastward direction -.. the opposite to the outer core As this is the first time the spin of inner core has been linked to the outer core Scientists claim force responsible for pushing core will change over time Findings could help scientists better understand our planet's magnetic field so to design space craft
Earth's inner core (the very central sphere) 'superrotates' in an eastward direction-meaning it spins faster than the rest of the planet. Meanwhile the outer core (the yellow sphere) spins westwards at a slower pace. 
As Scientists claim to have solved . a 300-year-old mystery about which direction the centre of the Earth spins In their new model, the Earth's inner core, made up of solid iron, 'superrotates' in an eastward direction - meaning it spins faster than the rest of the planet. Meanwhile the outer core, made up of mainly molten iron, spins westwards at a slower pace. Nearly a decade ago Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory said it had found that the Earth's inner core is rotating faster than the planet itself. The inner core rotates in the same direction as the Earth and slightly faster, completing its once-a-day rotation about two-thirds of a second faster than the entire Earth. Over the past 100 years that extra speed has gained the core a quarter- turn on the planet as a whole, the scientists found Such motion is remarkably fast for geological movements -.. some 100,000 times faster than the drift of continents, they noted The scientists made their finding by measuring changes in the speed of earthquake-generated seismic waves that pass through the inner core. The latest study builds on this research by linking the way the inner core spins to the behaviour of the outer core. Edmund Halley showed the westward-drifting motion of the Earth's geomagnetic field in 1692.However, this is first time that scientists have been able to link the way the inner core spins to the behaviour of the outer core.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Position Asteroid Development.

Part Seven, ice cube transferal with the use of a space build probes small electromagnets allow this process to commence for astronauts as there refereed to as improvised space robot or 'Wonkey Probe'. These are probes as in the image below, that have been built for propose. They use reconditioned spent parts from earths orbit. As they are very valuable 'with on knights extreme you. Although International Space Station is fantastic piece of engineering from the seventies of the twenty century. It has never been used as a work center, biggest over-site was never to suspend a space shuttle from its undercarriage shuttle flight from 12-4-1981. As for refueling this spectacular craft a shuttle would have been very easy even in space, as it could have been fitted with adaptive features.
Space junk can be modified into freezer units for the capture of water and many other things, a sort of recycling area within shuttle cargo bay for many parts interchangeable and free from cost as all plans are readily available. All that that a technician would need are some small up dated cameras. Continue as find it informative and relevant brought to you by space cruising. The Image here is called a 'Hull Shop' parts made into a flying Ice collector as it primary mission is to examine asteroids steam up some ice and freeze it to have later stage when kneaded.
According to Griffith Observatory, CA spotted a space plane flying a classified mission. It seem to have one profanity attached, this was thought to be a UFO but it was later identified as a Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 engine? So The U.S. Air Force’s X-37B space plane is circling Earth and was spotted to spite its unpublished orbit on ‘April 2, 2011’ said they found it and it never. Saying They saw the X-37B from my home in Pasadena,California, around sunrise on March 31st, “The spacecraft’s appearance was remarkable like a very fast space-plane.  When overhead it was a little brighter than a 2nd magnitude star with a slight yellow hue. Then it flared. As the X-37B moved toward the ‘horizon’ it became silvery and brightened to around-magnitude -6, far outshining the planet venus was just below it.' Here is an engine called reaction cooler engine brought to you by space cruses. 
Wikipedia states, “The Boeing X-37 (also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle) is an American unmanned vertical-takeoff, horizontal-landing (VTHL) space plane. The X-37 is operated by the United States Air Force for orbital spaceflight missions intended to demonstrate reusable space technologies. It is a reusable robotic space plane that is a 120% scaled derivative of the X-40A. The X-37 began as a NASA project in 1999, then was transferred to the U.S. Department of Defense in 2004. It had its first flight as a drop test on 7 April 2006, at Edwards Air Force Base. The space plane’s first orbital mission, USA-212 was launched on 22 April 2010 using an Atlas V rocket. Its return to Earth on 3 December 2010 was the first test of the vehicle’s heat shield and hypersonic aerodynamic handling. The X-37’s aerodynamic design was derived from the Space Shuttle, hence the X-37 has a similar lift-to-drag ratio, and a lower cross range at high altitudes and Mach numbers than DARPA’s Hypersonic Technology Vehicle.” Here is QW1 spotted as part of the pan starrs asteroid survey from Hawaii next survey is over due and may as well take place in space.
DARPA’s Hypersonic Technology Vehicle is a part of DARPA’s Falcon Project “(Force Application and Launch from Continental United States) is a two-part joint project between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the United States Air Force (USAF). 
One part of the program aims to develop a reusable, rapid-strike Hypersonic Weapon System (HWS), now retitled the Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV), and the other is for the development of a launch system capable of accelerating a HCV to cruise speeds, as well as launching small satellites into earth orbit. This two-part program was announced in 2003 and continued into 2006.” Wikipedia also references the definition of hypersonic speed which is a main instillation of this project. “In aerodynamics, a hypersonic speed is one that is highly supersonic. Since the 1970s, the term has generally been assumed to refer to speeds of Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) and above. The hypersonic regime is a subset of the supersonic regime. The precise Mach number at which a craft can be said to be flying at hypersonic speed is elusive, especially since physical changes in the airflow (molecular dissociation, ionization) occur at quite different speeds.”

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Rotating Inflatable Station.

Part Six a 'Rotating space station' walk on inside ring. There are no spacecraft that use any form of artificial gravity today, but if humans do more space exploration. It will likely see the rotational method used in the future. The mistakes that dissenters make, are re entry can be easy achieved either as 'virgin galactic feather' or a descent module. With a material like tube lined with light weight fibrillar lining space can be very safe as humans orbit earth on Holiday ect built with a few stages. The forgotten science of refuelling in space and 'steaming asteroids' as in part five and sending water vapour over to a space station hasn't yet happened. As with space been in space with plenty of water to grow plants fish 'having gravity that is far less than the moon is perfect' all in the earths orbit makes it easier also construct a multiple of rings like decks. Here in this design the centre remains stationary for docking or collection of steam. There a couple of ways you could create artificial gravity in a spaceship. The force we feel from gravity is actually our acceleration towards a massive body. We'd keep falling, but the ground is pushing against us, so we stand on the ground. If you can provide an alternative form of acceleration, it would feel like gravity and provide the same benefits of standing on the surface of a planet. The first way would be through accelerating your spaceship. Imagine you wanted to fly your spaceship from Earth to Mars having a few space stations in orbit around earth makes space even safer, in the case of emergency even sharing like resources. Space should be for presidents and a dream would be to see grate families going into orbit taking a few photographs returning to the planet refreshed. It would be a Concorde Aircraft moment.   
You could fire your rockets behind the spacecraft, accelerating at a smooth rate of 9.8 meters/second 2. As long as the rocket continued accelerating, it would feel like you were standing on Earth. Once the rocket reached the halfway point of its journey, it would turn around and decelerate at the same rate, and once again, you would feel the force of gravity. Of course, it takes an enormous amount of fuel to accelerate and decelerate like this, so we can consider that pretty much impossible. A second way to create acceleration is to fake it through with some kind of rotation. Imagine if your spaceship was built like this image and you set it spinning. People standing on the inside hull would feel the force of gravity.
That's because the spinning causes a centrifugal force that wants to pull them into a direction. With the spaceship's hull would keeping them from flying away. This is another way to create a low artificial gravity as it could be varied by rate of spin just some gravity hold molecules together. Also generate a 'photon beam pass around the hull' this a form of mass  could create a low form of gravity but its new science. This space station can be parked over the ocean so it even experiences day and night. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

Photon form of matter.

Part five with the workings of  'a processor ship' as developments with laser cutting designs so when scientist sent more than one photon simultaneously, they noticed that the particles clumped together to form a molecule stating scientists have accidentally discovered a completely new form of matter, the building here is a space port used to house a 'light lift' in theory could be like a conveyor system take a grain of sugar make into a thousand grains. This theory can work in space, from 'Earth to planet Mars orbit' via a supply laser either supplies or metals. Building can be modeled off a printer.
This works in the same way as the lightsabers used in films. A team of physicists were messing around with photons when they managed to get the particles to stick together and form a molecule. The molecule behaves, they claim, just like a lightsaber by moving the light particles around in a solid mass and is unlike any matter seen before. The discovery, reported in Nature, was made by Harvard physics professor blasted photons through a cloud of rubidium atoms. May lead to creation of 3D structures, such as crystals, wholly out of light. This finding could help drive the development of quantum computing and engine reversal matter projecting this is along awaited science of cutting by robots.
Its discovered a completely new form of matter that works in the same way as the lightsabers used in a scene from the film 'The Empire Strikes Back'. As the photons enter the cloud of cold atoms, Lukin said, its energy excites atoms along its path, 'causing the photon to slow dramatically'. This new form of matter discovered has only ever been seen in science-fiction. Molecule cutter can be perfectly sharp and harmless to mammals, as for its use in agriculture there are no kinetic parts it can be perfect for safety at low intensity.
This cutting laser  behaves like lightsaber by moving photons around in a solid mass.
Discovery made after light particles were blasted through rubidium atoms As the photon moves through the cloud, that energy is handed off from atom to atom, and eventually exits the cloud with the photon.‘It's the same effect we see with refraction of light in a water glass,’ Lukin explained. ‘The light enters the water, it hands off part of its energy to the medium, and inside it exists as light and matter coupled together, but when it exits, it's still light.’ ‘The process that takes place is the same it's just a bit more extreme -- the light is slowed considerably, and a lot more energy is given away than during refraction. Photons have long been described as mass less particles which don't interact with each other. Shine two laser beams at each other and they simply pass through one another.
In Harvard university and MIT claim the matter they created had, up until now, been purely theoretical and runs contrary to decades of accepted wisdom about the nature of light. Photons have long been described as mass less particles which don't interact with each other. Shine two laser beams at each other and they simply pass through one another.‘Photonic molecules,’ however, behave less like traditional lasers and more like a light saber.‘It's not an in-apt analogy to compare this to light sabers,’ Lukin said. ‘When these photons interact with each other, they're pushing against and deflect each other.‘The physics of what's happening in these molecules is similar to what we see in the movies.’In fact, what the scientists were witnessing is known as the Rydberg blockade.
This states that atoms neighbouring an atom that's been excited say, by a passing photon cannot be excited to the same degree as the initial atom. Slowing these atoms can either be done from a sling shot motion off the planet or retrieved off the martian moon Phobos as it is nearer to mars either way its not so so complex, but has to be exact.
'It's not an in-apt analogy to compare this to light sabers,' said researcher Mikhail Lukin. In practice, the effect means that as two photons enter the atomic cloud, the first excites an atom, but must move forward before the second photon can excite nearby atoms. The result, he said, is that the two photons push and pull each other through the cloud as their energy is handed off from one atom to the next. While the effect is unusual, it does have some practical applications as well. ‘It feeds into the bigger picture of what we're doing because photons remain the best possible means to carry quantum information,’ as said to space ship designer ‘The handicap, though, has been that photons don't interact with each other.’To build a quantum computer, he explained, researchers need to build a system that can preserve quantum information, and process it using quantum logic operations.
The challenge, however, is that quantum logic requires interactions between individual quanta so that quantum systems can be switched to perform information processing. ‘What we demonstrate with this process allows us to do that,’ Lukin said. ‘Before we make a useful, practical quantum switch or photonic logic gate we have to improve the performance, so it's still at the proof-of-concept level, but this is an important step.’ The system could even be useful in classical computing, Lukin said, considering the power-dissipation challenges chip-makers now face. A number of companies  have worked to develop systems that rely on optical routers that convert light signals into electrical signals, but those systems face their own hurdles. Lukin also suggested that the system might one day even be used to create complex three-dimensional structures such as crystals wholly out of light. ‘What it will be useful for we don't know yet, but it's a new state of matter, so we are hopeful that new applications may emerge as we continue to investigate these photon molecules' properties,’

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Space of Icarus horizon.

Part 4 design of horizon probe is where one can see true a telescope equipped with all the sonar and measuring devices, as its not just a probe that will travel near the speed of light but it has four survival parts objective to remain outside in orbit just in space beyond heliosphere. Its a triangler design that can be launched from a conventional rocket booster. Each of the four segments can operate seperately but also engineered to propel true space as a unit or units . As review Icarus a scaled down version is probably perfect for round trips for Jupiter moons only problem is radiation shield as asteroids can compensate as a habitable force for fraction and carry own water one year in ISS was a documented achievement and no risk of gammer rays from earths sun star.
What if earth should fall ? Icarus there is no organisation of credible structure that can allow a small colony to exist and have circular capsule with International space station as a cost effective co existence. But as planet Earth becomes more threatened maybe asteroids parked outside Jupiter Moons called asteroid life. There are theoretical designs with some studies with the aim of new technologies designing a credible interstellar probe that will serve as a concept design is now. First there should be a comprehensive study on all asteroids and Jupiter Moons. But for a potential unmanned mission that could be launched before the end of the 21st century. Maybe the Icarus will utilize fusion based engine technology which would accelerate the spacecraft to approximately 10% to 20% the speed of light. It could be the plan for to probe for deep space it is in the plan to trail suns tail. The project is a five year design, study that began on the 30th September 2009 for this team. Matrix is always ready if an easy project arises and to date there has already been one conference. Two journal have been submitted which are currently in the preview stages. An aim is to always 'Respect' although it is hard to define outcome of some missions, voyager would be one of these.
The photos below have been added as here are some facts it might be too early to say that this project will pave the way for the cheapest airline tickets bound for outer-space, but its projected contributions to space exploration should definitely be huge.
Project Icarus is a Tau Zero Foundation initiative in collaboration with The British Interplanetary Society. Both organizations serve to promote the vision of manned space exploration and thus project Icarus has a solid support base and a well developed intellectual resource.Visit the Project Icarus website. Broadly stated, the purpose of Project Icarus is as follows. To design a credible interstellar probe that is a concept design for a potential mission in the 'coming centuries'. To allow a direct technology comparison with Daedalus and provide an assessment of the maturity of fusion based space propulsion for future precursor missions. To generate greater interest in the real term prospects for interstellar precursor missions that are based on credible science. To motivate a new generation of scientists to be interested in designing space missions that go beyond our solar system these are babies that haven't been born.
The goal of designing a credible interstellar spacecraft is a huge challenge and thus the research has been divided into 20 modules and this encompasses all of the spacecraft systems and sub-systems. These encompass all aspects of the design of the spacecraft. The project has been set up in three stages. Establish initial design team and complete Terms of Reference by September of Year 1 2009. This Fully assemble design team by the end of Year 1 (2009) Construct research program by the beginning of Year 2 and Team Icarus officially begins technical work by the spring of Year 2. (March 2010) We estimate that, with 20 volunteer designers, Project Icarus will require around 35,000 total man hours which will be spread over a five year research program culminating in the final design.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Two set cruising designs.

Part three uses a magnetic propulsion probe as a click click there of an earlier design. Here is where cruiser can be built and deployed into a sector as these humanoids develop other worlds. It  is used for transmissions, as it can be used as a base protector. Its design is functional for decent true most atmospheres as its a compact design as it would make any captain proud even first officer can go into there own vessel. This is a mining ship as one can see it built from a part tower. Its walls were completed into two saucers it a straight forward design as the cylinder walls open in sections to hold an second ship. also see its solar array here. This process could be used in this century as the capture of asteroids commences. As for astronauts it would take a little bit of engineering could say a little teem of robots working herring bone patterns. But it could be planned, in small sections it could be completed quite quickly. There is no reason for humans to neglect such cost effective endeavors. As with a little teem work like Sir Richard Branson as he has proved private enterprise can at least can do small timetable operations and why not if its a brake even experience ?     
As it can be seen here one of the engines has a cloaking devices although this appears on screen. Always print off a three dimensional model with a 3d printer. Or print off this page and make your own model with light woods card some glue and just paint. This can be completed in about one hour and you have your replica models, the solar array can tilt as its used for organic purposes .   

Own Made Ship Replica.

Part two staying with initial setup of the asteroid space ship as space cruising bring its dimensions and facts to your table on how to build your own model straight from a cardboard sheet. This can be done with colours either from coloured sheet or an A 4 paper printer. So onto the concept of the hull called the 'mincing ship'. As you will need a scissors, paper stick, two ice-cream sticks and some sellotape. One stick in the middle other stick for to turn your engine around. It will take a few minutes to see your results. Make this 3 Dimensional model cutting out all these components. To film use some clear fishing line make a little short clip, for u tube or face book either to download from your mobile phone. O the idea is to film its perception so with small world globe and cotton wool using spot lamp achieve some NASA like footage. Although they don't bother with that stuff like a Swedish chef, sorry for the 'little joke'.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Home Made Warp Drive.

Part one 'asteroid mincing prototype' as the largest asteroid  may contain more water, than earth also a view on the mathematics of the Alcubierre warp drive, theorized by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre used as beacon satellite navigation network using higgs boston, mass propulsion communicator.
essentially proposes a mechanism where a spacecraft may actually travel faster than the speed of light, allowing for interstellar space travel. More elaborately speaking, this states that the spacecraft's motion, in its insanely high speeds, would create a situation where the area in front of the spacecraft would diminish, as the area behind it would expand. At this point, the spacecraft would land itself in a theoretical "wave bubble," and would essentially whip the bubble so that the spacecraft would travel faster than the speed of light, via the bubble's propulsion, not the spacecraft itself. As the tested the capacity of the Alcubierre warp drive by doing some crafty mathematics against Einstein's theory of relativity. Before we get into their discovery, you need at least a basic understanding of what this incredibly complicated and completely theoretical about this drive is as it warps space around it at drainage gravity to hold its propulsion in place perfect for instrumentation here is a conventional ion engine as some varied designs listed original.
What about Einstein's Laws of Relativity stating that an object slower than light can't increase its speed past.
As Alcubierre Metric in a Lorentzian manifold, which specifically notes that light beams within the warp-bubble would still be traveling faster than the spacecraft itself. It’s a self-contained, inertia-less that moves faster than that of the speed of light. This is only in the sense that the bubble itself shifts its position to a destination quicker than light would here is an asteroid mining ship ionic propulsion systems.
that of light?
In diagram below its shows the capture of asteroid its an exciting lead decision by president Obama. There always an interest in how to show what would happen when a ship using the Alcubierre warp drive in theory.
would react when travelling through ‘empty’ space”. Devoid of any sort of influence to its journey (also known as a vacuum). However, empty space is an unreality, because it’s always filled with light and tiny particles. So, if the society is to really exploit the Alcubierre warp drive, it needs to account for this used in convention ion propulsion similar findings and for asteroid drill mincing.
The group of Australian scientist at Icaruses “used computers to numerically solve a set of equations from Einstein’s General Relativity, which govern interactions in space time.” This gave them “the paths taken by the light and dust during and after interaction with Alcubierre warp drive and also the way in which the warp drive affected their energy”. In these paths they discovered that the light and dust travelling in the direction of the ship 'would be caught in a bow wave' similar to sun star. The energy of which would increase and release once the ship had reached the destination. Its still a complex maneuver once some of these new equations of pulling and warping space have been brought in.

Orbiter Designs Aircraft.

In the spring of 1938 as there were a series of articles about what the future might be like these were entitle 'Tomorrow Miracles' and it made quite fascinating reading. As all humanity has now reached 2014 not a monumental date by any means, but it does mark the one hundred years after world war one and mass derelict graveyards, where humans have achieved one thing in the west. That may well be individualization as one major feat stands out this has to be Concorde along with developments made by NASA it is still a sole innovator of space exploration. All other nationalities have forgotten the quest to live in space. Islands made from asteroids with conquest of Europa or Ganymede with 200 meters of salt water and Callisto put on back file. Has anybody sent a small micro processor or anything answer is Earth has four telescopes looking for constellations and should be bothered well ?