Part Seven, ice cube transferal with the use of a space build probes small electromagnets allow this process to commence for astronauts as there refereed to as improvised space robot or 'Wonkey Probe'. These are probes as in the image below, that have been built for propose. They use reconditioned spent parts from earths orbit. As they are very valuable 'with on knights extreme you. Although International Space Station is fantastic piece of engineering from the seventies of the twenty century. It has never been used as a work center, biggest over-site was never to suspend a space shuttle from its undercarriage shuttle flight from 12-4-1981. As for refueling this spectacular craft a shuttle would have been very easy even in space, as it could have been fitted with adaptive features.
Space junk can be modified into freezer units for the capture of water and many other things, a sort of recycling area within shuttle cargo bay for many parts interchangeable and free from cost as all plans are readily available. All that that a technician would need are some small up dated cameras. Continue as find it informative and relevant brought to you by space cruising. The Image here is called a 'Hull Shop' parts made into a flying Ice collector as it primary mission is to examine asteroids steam up some ice and freeze it to have later stage when kneaded.
According to Griffith Observatory, CA spotted a space plane flying
a classified mission. It seem to have one profanity attached, this was thought to be a UFO but it was later identified as a Rolls-Royce/Snecma
Olympus 593 engine? So The U.S. Air Force’s X-37B space plane is
circling Earth and was spotted to spite its unpublished orbit on ‘April 2, 2011’
said they found it and it never. Saying They saw the X-37B from my home in
Pasadena,California, around sunrise on March 31st, “The
spacecraft’s appearance was remarkable like a very fast space-plane. When
overhead it was a little brighter than a 2nd magnitude star with a
slight yellow hue. Then it flared. As the X-37B moved toward the ‘horizon’ it
became silvery and brightened to around-magnitude -6, far outshining the planet venus was just below it.' Here is an engine called reaction cooler engine brought to you by space cruses.
Wikipedia states, “The Boeing X-37 (also known as the Orbital Test
Vehicle) is an American unmanned vertical-takeoff, horizontal-landing (VTHL) space plane.
The X-37 is operated by the United States Air Force for orbital
spaceflight missions intended to demonstrate reusable space technologies.
It is a reusable robotic space plane that is a 120% scaled
derivative of the X-40A. The X-37 began as a NASA project in 1999, then was
transferred to the U.S. Department of Defense in 2004. It had its first flight
as a drop test on 7 April 2006, at Edwards Air Force Base.
The space plane’s first orbital mission, USA-212 was launched on 22
April 2010 using an Atlas V rocket. Its return to Earth on 3 December 2010 was
the first test of the vehicle’s heat shield and hypersonic aerodynamic
handling. The X-37’s aerodynamic design was derived from the Space Shuttle,
hence the X-37 has a similar lift-to-drag ratio, and a lower cross range at
high altitudes and Mach numbers than DARPA’s Hypersonic Technology
Vehicle.” Here is QW1 spotted as part of the pan starrs asteroid survey from Hawaii next survey is over due and may as well take place in space.
DARPA’s Hypersonic Technology Vehicle is a part of DARPA’s
Falcon Project “(Force Application and Launch from Continental United States)
is a two-part joint project between the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) and the United States Air Force (USAF).
One part of
the program aims to develop a reusable, rapid-strike Hypersonic Weapon
System (HWS), now retitled the Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle (HCV), and
the other is for the development of a launch system capable of accelerating a
HCV to cruise speeds, as well as launching small satellites into earth orbit.
This two-part program was announced in 2003 and continued into 2006.” Wikipedia also
references the definition of hypersonic speed which is a main
instillation of this project. “In aerodynamics, a hypersonic speed is
one that is highly supersonic. Since the 1970s, the term has generally been
assumed to refer to speeds of Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) and above.
The hypersonic regime is a subset of the supersonic regime. The
precise Mach number at which a craft can be said to be flying at hypersonic speed
is elusive, especially since physical changes in the airflow (molecular
dissociation, ionization) occur at quite different speeds.”
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