Saturday, 28 September 2013

Rotating Inflatable Station.

Part Six a 'Rotating space station' walk on inside ring. There are no spacecraft that use any form of artificial gravity today, but if humans do more space exploration. It will likely see the rotational method used in the future. The mistakes that dissenters make, are re entry can be easy achieved either as 'virgin galactic feather' or a descent module. With a material like tube lined with light weight fibrillar lining space can be very safe as humans orbit earth on Holiday ect built with a few stages. The forgotten science of refuelling in space and 'steaming asteroids' as in part five and sending water vapour over to a space station hasn't yet happened. As with space been in space with plenty of water to grow plants fish 'having gravity that is far less than the moon is perfect' all in the earths orbit makes it easier also construct a multiple of rings like decks. Here in this design the centre remains stationary for docking or collection of steam. There a couple of ways you could create artificial gravity in a spaceship. The force we feel from gravity is actually our acceleration towards a massive body. We'd keep falling, but the ground is pushing against us, so we stand on the ground. If you can provide an alternative form of acceleration, it would feel like gravity and provide the same benefits of standing on the surface of a planet. The first way would be through accelerating your spaceship. Imagine you wanted to fly your spaceship from Earth to Mars having a few space stations in orbit around earth makes space even safer, in the case of emergency even sharing like resources. Space should be for presidents and a dream would be to see grate families going into orbit taking a few photographs returning to the planet refreshed. It would be a Concorde Aircraft moment.   
You could fire your rockets behind the spacecraft, accelerating at a smooth rate of 9.8 meters/second 2. As long as the rocket continued accelerating, it would feel like you were standing on Earth. Once the rocket reached the halfway point of its journey, it would turn around and decelerate at the same rate, and once again, you would feel the force of gravity. Of course, it takes an enormous amount of fuel to accelerate and decelerate like this, so we can consider that pretty much impossible. A second way to create acceleration is to fake it through with some kind of rotation. Imagine if your spaceship was built like this image and you set it spinning. People standing on the inside hull would feel the force of gravity.
That's because the spinning causes a centrifugal force that wants to pull them into a direction. With the spaceship's hull would keeping them from flying away. This is another way to create a low artificial gravity as it could be varied by rate of spin just some gravity hold molecules together. Also generate a 'photon beam pass around the hull' this a form of mass  could create a low form of gravity but its new science. This space station can be parked over the ocean so it even experiences day and night. 

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