In the spring of 1938 as there were a series of articles
about what the future might be like these were entitle 'Tomorrow Miracles' and
it made quite fascinating reading. As all humanity has now reached 2014 not a
monumental date by any means, but it does mark the one hundred years after
world war one and mass derelict graveyards, where humans have achieved one
thing in the west. That may well be individualization as one major feat stands
out this has to be Concorde along with developments made by NASA it is still a
sole innovator of space exploration. All other nationalities have forgotten the
quest to live in space. Islands made from asteroids with conquest of Europa or
Ganymede with 200 meters of salt water and Callisto put on back file. Has
anybody sent a small micro processor or anything answer is Earth has four
telescopes looking for constellations and should be bothered well ?
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